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Types of Wood Fence and Their Applications

Wood fence options provide a timeless and versatile solution for property boundaries, offering both functionality and aesthetic appeal. Homeowners and businesses choose wood fencing for its natural look, customization options, and ability to enhance curb appeal while providing security and privacy. Various styles and wood types cater to different applications, ensuring suitability for a wide range of environments.

Types of Wood Fence

  1. Stockade Fence:
    • This style features tightly placed vertical wooden boards that provide complete privacy and noise reduction. It’s commonly used in residential settings to create secluded backyards and reduce external disturbances.
  2. Board-on-Board Fence:
    • Designed with overlapping boards on both sides, this fence type offers enhanced privacy and durability. It’s ideal for areas with high wind exposure, as the overlapping design allows for airflow while maintaining coverage.
  3. Lattice Fence:
    • Featuring crisscrossed wood strips, lattice fences provide partial privacy with an elegant touch. They are often used in gardens and patios to support climbing plants and add decorative appeal.
  4. Split Rail Fence:
    • Characterized by horizontal rails supported by vertical posts, split rail fences are commonly seen in rural or agricultural settings. They are used for marking boundaries and containing livestock without obstructing views.
  5. Picket Fence:
    • With evenly spaced vertical boards, picket fences offer a charming, traditional look. These are popular for front yards, enhancing curb appeal while defining property lines without sacrificing openness.

Applications of Wood Fence

Wood fencing is widely applied across residential, commercial, and agricultural settings. It provides privacy for homes, secures livestock on farms, and adds decorative elements to public spaces such as parks and community areas. Businesses also use wood fences to create inviting storefront boundaries or outdoor seating enclosures.

Whether for security, aesthetics, or boundary definition, a wood fence remains a popular choice due to its adaptability, affordability, and natural appeal.

Customizable Wood Fence Products in South Florida

Today, you can enhance your commercial or residential property with Fence Crafters’s wood fence products. In South Florida, our team of fencing experts has been manufacturing and installing custom wood fencing for decades. Wood fencing is a great choice for your property due to its timeless and beautiful aesthetics, durability, versatility, security, and privacy. Not to mention that the addition of a wood fence will increase your property’s value and curb appeal. We provide customizable wood fence products so that our customers can get the exact design, style, and color they are looking for.

Are You a Do It Yourselfer?

At Fence Crafters, we warranty all our products and services and offer wholesale pricing for qualified buyers.

Enjoy the Benefits That Wood Fencing Offers

For numerous reasons, countless home and business owners opt to choose wood fencing to enhance and protect their property. When you choose wood fence products, you will enjoy the benefits that they have to offer, including:


Wood fencing offers a variety of design, style, and color options so that you can create a fence that is unique to you and your aesthetic vision.

Easy Installation

Our experienced technicians can install your new wood fence quickly so that there is minimal disruption on your property.


Wood fence products are very affordable, making them a great low-cost option for you.


Our team of fencing experts is capable of fully customizing your new wood fence so that it fits your unique property, no matter how big, small, or slanted it may be.


We offer wood fence products that are made from sustainably sourced lumber, making it the best environmentally friendly option.


Wood fences can be designed for full privacy so that you don’t have to worry about wandering eyes or nosy neighbors.

white picket fence

South Florida’s Number One Fencing Business

When it is time to install a new fence or repair an old one, our team of professionals is ready to help. In addition to their extensive training, our technicians are all fully licensed, insured, and bonded. We have the experience and the knowledge to properly install your choice of a new wooden fence on your property. As South Florida’s number one fencing business, you can be sure that your new fence will look great and withstand the test of time. All the wooden fences that we install are made with treated lumber in order to minimize damage and pest infestation. From manufacturing to installation, our team oversees the entire process, so we know that we deliver quality with every job we perform. That is why we offer warranties on all of our products and services. If you are ready to have your new fence installed, reach out to our experts now.

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At Fence Crafters, We Make It Safe Where You Live, Work or Play