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Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

At Fence Crafters, we don’t believe in cutting corners. Our attention to detail and quality will deliver a project that will beautify and add value to your home or business. We’ll guide you through the process—from selection to installation—and our crew of professionals will complete your project with a minimum of interruption and leave your landscape neat and orderly.

The owners of Fence Crafters, Inc. began installing fences in 1978.

Fence Crafters is located at 4801 Dyer Blvd, Riviera Beach, FL 33407, and we service residential and commercial customers from the Treasure Coast to Miami.

Fence Crafters accepts cash, checks and credit cards. A deposit is required when your contract is signed and the balance is due upon completion.

Workmanship and materials are guaranteed for one year after installation, with longer guarantees available on some particularly hardy materials.

Galvanization is the process whereby steel is dipped in a molten zinc bath to create a tough corrosion-resistant coating. All our chain link fence is not only galvanized but the process is performed after the fence is weaved into its final form. Other companies may use steel that is galvanized prior to weaving in order to save money. Because the zinc coating scratches off during weaving, however, this makes for an inferior product that can quickly rust, especially in climates such as South Florida.

At Fence Crafters, we use galvanized ring shank nails. They’re not only very durable, but the galvanized coating resists corrosion and the staining of the fence that often results. Some customers request screws, which we can accommodate as an upgrade.

No. Plastic by its nature is flexible and dry paint is not. When a painted PVC fence flexes from wind or manmade pressure, etc., the paint cracks and flakes. Despite some advice out there that with proper priming vinyl fences can hold paint successfully, at Fence Crafters, we highly recommend against it.

That said, we carry very natural-appearing PVC fencing where the material itself is impregnated with color. For those customers who want the durability of PVC in a variety of color options other than white, this is a great alternative product.

Pressure-treating wood involves infusing it with a long-lasting preservative by putting the timbers under immense pressure and forcing the chemical deep inside through its pores. We highly recommend using pressure-treated wood versus non- for fencing in Florida, as the weather here can break down non-treated wood very quickly.

Yes. However, for optimal results, the wood should be allowed to cure first, which can take six months to a year. Fresh pressure-treated wood, which repels paint, appears greenish in color, while fully cured pressure-treated wood has more of a whitish, ashen color.

Yes, dismantling your old fence and hauling away the debris is included in the itemized list of costs.

We highly recommend it, especially if there was no fence, to begin with. A prior conversation will give your neighbors time to remove outdoor furnishings, etc. that might encroach on the property line and decrease the surprise-factor of coming home to a new fence erected along the property line.

Are You a Do It Yourselfer?

At Fence Crafters, we warranty all our products and services and offer wholesale pricing for qualified buyers.

At Fence Crafters, We Make It Safe Where You Live, Work or Play